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Set variable

The "Set variable" block allows you to set a particular value to a variable.

Set variable

This value can be any kind of plain text but also Javascript code.

Expressions with existing variables

It means you can apply operations on existing variables.

Add a value to your variable:

{{Score}} + 5

Compute a sum of variables:

{{Score}} + {{Answer}}

Multiply variables together:

{{Score}} * {{Multiplier}}

Compute a percentage:

{{Score}} * 100 / {{Max Score}}

Extract the first name from a full name:

{{Full name}}.split(' ')[0]

Transform existing variable to upper case or lower case:



The code value should be written Javascript. It will read the returned value of the code and set it to your variable.

const name = 'John' + 'Smith'
return name

If you don't provide the return keyword then it will be automatically prepended to the beginning of your code.

'John' + 'Smith'

is the same as

return 'John' + 'Smith'

Variables in script are not parsed, they are evaluated. So it should be treated as if it were real Javascript variables.

So, if you write "{{My variable}}", it will parse the variable ID (something like vclfqgqkdf000008mh3r6xakty). You need to remove the double quotes to properly get the variable content value.

For example,

  • "{{URL base}}/path" => vclfqgqkdf000008mh3r6xakty/path
  • {{URL base}} + '/path' =>
  • `${{{URL base}}}/path` =>

Current Date

You can create a Submitted at (or any other name) variable using this code:

new Date().toISOString()

It will set the variable to the current date and time.

Random ID

Or a random ID:

Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000)

Keep in mind that the code is executed on the server. So you don't have access to browser variables such as window or document.

The code can also be multi-line. The Set variable block will get the value following the return statement.